
マイアミのレーベルArepaz周辺のプロジェクトに多く絡み、現在はROMやEPSTEINといったプロジェクトで活動しつつ、GUILLERMO SCOTT HERRENの右腕となり彼の多くの作品に名を連ねており、SAVATH & SAVALASには新メンバーとして加入した。またSCHOOL OF SEVEN BELLSなど様々なアーティストの作品に関わり、プロデューサーやコントリビューターとしても注目されている重要人物である。

Roberto Carlos Lange is an artist born in South Florida and is the son of Ecuadorean immigrants. Growing up he was surrounded by tropical heat and hurricanes that represented the rich colors of sound and people living in South Florida. The sound of bass and late-night “pe?as” in and around his house carved a deep foundation into his interest for sound and the things producing them. The “pause-tape” and a karaoke machine gave birth to his first sounds and music. With whatever he could grab; guitars, matches, hand claps and voice, Roberto was slowly revealing his way of hearing things. Roberto’s musical pieces are adjusted and aligned with the moment they exist in, they are constructed through improvised performances and accidental happenings. The music and sounds themselves have been over the years documented and compiled together by him and a few record labels most notably the label Arepaz based out of Miami. These “albums” are extensions of the after thought of what these songs do together as a group. The albums are based on themes that carry weight and maybe criticize an idea as an observation.

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