来年PLANCHAからCD/Digitalで『Forgive』リリース予定のBeat CultureことSunik Kimが彼の夢であるVinylリリースのために”indiegogo”で寄付を募っています!あと23時間です!金額もう少しなのです!是非ご協力を!

indiegogo page:

Beat Culture has come a long way in the short time I have been making music. Just last May I played my debut show in Brooklyn, and next summer I am slotted to tour Europe. For the past four months I have been slaving over my debut LP and I am fortunate to have some extremely talented vocalists and musicians contribute to it. The amazing people at Art Union/PLANCHA are manufacturing the CDs and distributing the digital tracks, but it has always been my dream to have my record pressed to vinyl. I’ve put all the money I can into this record and at this point, I am turning to you to give this a proper release. Thank you in advance for your unbelievable support, without you I would not be here.

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